Sunday, 5 April 2009

Sunday, 5th April 2009

Today woke up so late =.=
I set alarm clock at 12 pm, but after off the alarm... I fell asleep again
Dad called me at 2 pm to inform me there's porridge in the kitchen, I orh orh & fell asleep again.
Final wake up is already at 3pm+, maybe shouldn't tire myself out that much yesterday =.=
1st meal I had for today is a pot of porridge with an egg yolk below ~.~
Mapled few hours until late in the night.

Still got history mindmap need to submit on Tuesday, wonder should I do it today or tomorrow? Miss Ong may be kind, but she has a iron face & ice heart...

Sent 3 songs to Xin Ci, think they were Flower of Bravery, Tomadoi Bitter Tune & Tori no Uta. I wonder when will my new songs come?
Still waiting for the new anime Saki, mahjong is fun.

Ending my Sunday soon after searching for Shine of Voice lyrics & redownloaded of Himitsu Dolls song.

Sian tomorrow got PE =.=
Conclusion : Feeling troubled because of school, getting Monday Blues le.

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